NEWS RELEASE                                                                                        June 2019

Join the Debate on Insitu Rare Earth Recovery

The McIlvaine Company believes insitu rare earth recovery from coal combustion will be much more economical than using flyash ponds and landfills as the source. The assertion is that coal fired boilers can generate rare earth feedstocks, 30 percent hydrochloric acid, and contaminant free ash, while avoiding many of the present problems of not removing HCl separate from the SO2.

There is a substantial factual basis for the assertion based on the operation of some coal fired plants and many municipal waste incinerators. Other than McIlvaine there is no other source who seems to have evaluated this opportunity. The University of Kentucky, Battelle, EPRI, Georgia Power, ACAA, Chinese researchers, suppliers of waste to energy systems with acid and metal byproduct sales and others will have insights which would help determine the efficacy of this option.

The basic case is available for review at Insitu Rare Earth Recovery System. Input from any source will be welcomed and comments posted. Webinars to discuss this option will be held at the appropriate time Bob McIlvaine welcomes questions or comments at 847 784 0013, cell 847 226 2391, email: